RHS Marketing, Healthcare Science programs earn certification

Saturday, March 22, 2025–2:30 p.m.

-News Release-

The Marketing and Healthcare Science Programs at Rome High School recently received industry certification and recertification, respectively, from the Georgia Department of Education.

The team that evaluated the Marketing program was impressed with the collaboration the program has with other CTAE programs at the College and Career Academy as well as the DECA Chapter having 150 active members. They were also impressed that the school store, which is run by the Marketing students, helps pay for students to go to DECA and other club competitions.

The team that evaluated the Health Care Science Program was impressed with the facilities, equipment, the depth of the curriculum being taught, as well as the hands-on activities.

“We are very proud that the Georgia Department of Education has given industry certification to our Marketing and Healthcare Science Programs. This is a testament to the great job our teachers and students do each and every day,” Marores Perry, Director of CTAE and Student Services, said. “These and other programs at the College and Career Academy are preparing our students for life after school.”

Industry certification standards are developed collaboratively by the GaDOE specialists and state business associations along with input from CTAE instructors throughout the state.

Industry certification represents the apex of program quality. Only those programs that have successfully undergone rigorous reviews by leaders from business and industry are recognized with this distinction. The Georgia Department of Education is committed to the industry certification process as a part of its effort to strengthen technical and academic standards for all CTAE programs.
